资讯 投票|为Interwine 2018 选出最美法国海报艺术家创作的纪念海报!
中国(广州)国际名酒展( Interwine China )邀请到著名法国海报艺术家Jean-Pierre Got为2018年第二十届展会创作纪念海报。我们决定,让你来为我们作出最美的选择!
Interwine China invites the famous French poster artist Jean-Pierre Got to create the poster of 20th Interwine. We also decide to invite YOU to make a wonderful choice for us!
Who creates the poster of 20th Interwine China?
Mr. Jean-Pierre GOT被称为是现代葡萄酒海报艺术家最具影响力的人物,他是致力于法国波尔多葡萄酒的最后一批传统画家之一,代表作《美丽年代》“Belle Epoque”,其作品将大自然的完美礼物——葡萄酒的清纯气息与现世葡萄酒典雅气质完美糅合,一直为葡萄酒行业和爱好者们所推崇。
至今,Jean-Pierre GOT为来自世界各地的客户创作了超过190张海报,分布于奥地利、法国、加拿大、智利、中国、美国、英国、希腊、印度、摩洛哥、新西兰……这些海报不仅令届内艺术家望尘莫及,也深受热爱葡萄酒艺术的时尚人士所深爱。
Mr. Jean-Pierre Got was born in 1951 in Bergerac, in Southwest France. Mr. Jean-Pierre, as a commercial wine exporter by trade, began his life of posters art in 1992 with his first commission from a Bordeaux wine negotiant house celebrating its 100th anniversary. He’s one of the most famous traditional poster artists, whose master work “Belle Epoque” is a combination of the purity and the deep elegance of wine, achieving the admiration by lots of wine lovers.
So far Mr. Jean-Pierre Got has designed more than 190 posters for his clients from all over the world, such as Austria, France, Canada, Chile, China, America, England, Greece, India, Morocco, New Zealand...
Why we create a special poster for 20th Interwine China?
我们欢迎所有政府组织、酒协、独立参展商、葡萄酒意见领袖、国际媒体和来自中国和南亚的最有影响力买家。为了庆祝第二十届展会,我们将邀请VIP买家俱乐部的50,000名买家和3,000家组团买家。我们不仅将举办葡萄酒高峰论坛,而且将创建前所未有的葡萄酒文化长廊,以独特的视角为您展现世界葡萄酒与文化艺术。第20届中国(广州)国际名酒展( Interwine China )将更加优雅,朝气蓬勃,更加国际化。与法国海报艺术家合作的第二十届Interwine海报将具有重要的纪念意义。
We welcome all the official organizations, wine associations, independent exhibitors, wine KOLs, international media and the most influential buyers from China and Southern Asia. To celebrate the 20th edition, we intend to invite 50,000 buyers and 3,000 group buyers from the VIP buyers club who will order at least 1 pallet wines on site. Summit forums will be hold at the same time. Moreover, we will create a wine cultural corridor to display the world of wine in an exclusive perspective. The 20th Interwine China (Guangzhou) will be elegant, vigorous and more international. The poster of 20th Interwine China will play un important role in this exhibition.
What is the poster of 20th Interwine China?
灵感迸发的Mr. Jean-Pierre Got为Interwine创作了5张作品草图。Mr. Got用独具特色的西方视角,明亮的颜色,以柔顺的笔触描绘了极具活力的Interwine。我们将在最后选出其中一幅海报作为我们官方的第二十届纪念海报。在海报的评选过程中,你的选择将作为我们的参考。快选一张你最欣赏的海报吧!
Mr. Jean-Pierre Got created 5 sketches of the posters for Interwine with lots of inspirations. Mr. Got painted the dynamic Interwine with the unique Western perspective, bright colors, and gentle style of drawing. We will finally choose one of these posters as our official poster. In the selection process of the poster, your choice will serve as our reference. Pick a poster you like best!
欣赏Mr. Jean-Pierre Got的50张海报展,在我们组织的珍藏海报拍卖会上,赢得著名法国海报艺术家的独家珍藏海报吧!5月18日-20日,这将是个不容错过的机会!
It’s a not-to-be missed chance to discover the exhibition of 50 posters of Jean-Pierre Got and gain the treasured posters from the auction held on the last day of Interwine China 2018 on May 18th - 20th.
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