资讯 “松井水楢单桶”【威士忌圣经2021】中获奖
日本仓吉市2020年9月23日 /美通社/ -- 威士忌大师吉姆·莫瑞主办的“威士忌圣经2021”在9月16日发布了获奖结果,其中松井酒造“单一麦芽威士忌 -- 松井水楢单桶”的“318号”被授予“2021年度日本最*单一酒桶”奖项。

《威士忌圣经》被誉为世界威士忌行业中最全面,且最*国际影响力并经过深入研究的指南权威杂志。("This is the most comprehensive, internationally influential and thoroughly researched guide to all the world’s whiskies. In terms of whisky, this is the gospel." https://www.whiskybible.com/about/)具有出色和独特表现力的品酒笔记且久负盛名,它更是全世界烈酒行业所关注的最*权威的国际比赛之一。
- "a nose to melt a thousand hearts… So soft…and has the magical ability to allow both the oak and the malt itself to express themselves individually and then together."
- "The most Japanese of Japanese malts with its own unique signature."
- "The most complex whisky I have sampled this year so far (and this is number 1,058 - and took me over 90 minutes to nose and taste!) – and a definite contender for World Whisky of the Year."