资讯 首届NHNE营养保健食品新消费论坛
—— “她”消费崛起
NHNE’s First Forum on Health Food Consumption
– New Consumption on Female Market
With the advancement of modern women’s social status, they have relatively free property and strong control over their family expenses. Female consumers accounted for nearly 70 percent of the nearly 254 billion yuan of online retail sales on November 11, according to the War Report on November 11, 2017 released by ECRC. Female consumption shows a huge growth trend in the field of light luxuries and health products.
粗放式的营销时代已经过去,高效精准的营销方式无不关注细分群体和消费场景。从物质需求到精神需求,新女性消费力的入口已然可窥。预计到2019年,与女性消费相关的“她经济”、“她消费”的整体市场规模有望达到4.5万亿元。这块惹人垂涎的蛋糕早已摆在眼前。“她”在健康营养领域的发展趋势是什么? “她”在消费领域的决胜要素又是什么?“她”在未来有哪些机会?……
The era of extensive marketing has passed, and all efficient and accurate marketing methods focus on subdivided groups and consumption scenes. From material needs to spiritual needs, the entrance of new female consumption ability can already be seen. It is estimated that by 2019, the overall market size of "female economic" and " female consumption" related to women consumption will reach 4.5 trillion yuan. The coveted cake is already there. What is the trend of " female market" in the field of health and nutrition? What is the decisive factor of " female " in the field of consumption? What opportunities does " female " have in the future?...
论坛时间:2019年5月14日 9:30-16:30
Time: May 14, 2019 (Monday) 9:30-16:30
Revenue: Conference Room M502, National Exhibition & Convention Center (Shanghai)
Organized by: Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions CO., LTD.
Fees for attending the conference: brand owners, commercial agents, terminal operators, investment and financing institutions can attend the conference free of charge. Others are charged 1,000 yuan per person.
Consultation and application:
田野Tian Ye:010-84556504
许峰Xu Feng:010-84556550
9:00-9:30 |
签到 Registration |
9:30-9:40 |
主办方致辞 Speech by organizer |
9:40-10:15 |
消费新势力:寻找增长原动力 — 食品饮料消费趋势洞察 New Consumption Power:Looking for growth drivers - insights into food and beverage consumption trends 演讲嘉宾:申婧,凯度消费者指数业务拓展经理 Speaker: Shen Jing, Business Development Manager of Kantar Worldpanel |
10:15-10:50 |
国际前沿:探究日本女性健康营养品市场 International Frontier: Explore the Japanese Women Health Product Market 演讲嘉宾:王鹤松,中国保健协会保健咨询服务工作委员会副会长、秘书长,鹤源康(上海)生物科技有限公司创始人、总经理 Speaker: Wang Hesong, Secretary General of the Committee of Health Care Consultation, China Health Care Association, General Manager of CRANE YUANKANG (SHANGHAI) HEALTHCARE S&T CO., LTD. |
10:50-11:25 |
环保和颜值:全球食品饮料包装趋势解析 Environmental Protection and Appearance Level: Analysis of Global Food and Beverage Packaging Trend 演讲嘉宾:刘洁,INNOVA MARKET INSIGHTS中国区域经理 Speaker: Liu Jie, China Regional Manager, INNOVA MARKET INSIGHTS |
11:25-12:00 |
极*诱惑:罗森限定款商品的魅力 Extreme Temptation: Analyze the Magic of Limited-Edition Products 演讲嘉宾:何韻民,上海罗森便利有限公司副总经理 Guest speaker: He Yunmin, Deputy General Manager of Lawson Shanghai |
12:00-13:30 |
午休 Break |
13:30-14:05 |
美食与瘦身:两者兼得的奥秘 Find the Secret of Food and Weight Loss 演讲嘉宾:胡欣洋,Litchi technology Limited. 渠道销售总监 Speaker: Hu Xinyang, Litchi technology Limited. |
14:05-14:40 |
粉丝力量:现象级IP助推从1到N的品牌蜕变 The power of the fans: Phenomenal IP Promotes Brand Transformation from 1 to N 演讲嘉宾:吴满盛,燊鸿文化联合创始人,亚洲瘦身女王郑多燕老师天使投资人,维多利亚的秘密亚洲时尚秀IP合伙人 Speaker: Wu Mansheng, Co-founder of Shen Hong Culture, Angel investor of Asian slimming star Zheng Duoyan, IP partner of Victoria's Secret Asia Fashion Show |
14:40-15:25 |
现代女人与美- 女性健康与美丽之真谛 Modern Woman and Beauty - Essence of Women’s Health and Beauty 演讲嘉宾:Tina Liu,澳大利亚第三方独立实验室Naturalab 创始人,Enervite品牌首席品牌顾问 Speaker: Tina Liu, Founder of Naturalab, an independent third-party laboratory in Australia, Chief Brand Consultant of Enervite |
15:25-16:30 |
深度对话:女性营养的下一个风口 Round-table Forum: Next Trend of Female Nutrition |
The agenda of the conference and activity is being updated. The public notice on the spot shall prevail!
中国国际健康营养博览会(2022 NHNE )
中国国际健康营养博览会(2021 NHNE 春)
中国国际健康营养博览会(NHNE 2020 秋季)
中国国际健康营养博览会(NHNE 2020)
中国国际健康营养博览会 (NHNE)
