这场独*活动在首届世界餐厅奖颁奖礼之前举行,本周一晚上,首届世界餐厅奖颁奖礼在布隆尼亚宫(Palais Brongniart)举行
巴黎2019年2月19日电 /美通社/ -- 阿曼达-科恩(Amanda Cohen)、毛洛-克莱格瑞克(Mauro Colagreco)、邝凯莉(Kylie Kwong)和维尔吉利奥-马丁内斯(Virgilio Martinez)等美食界明星昨晚参加了萨凯帕(Ron Zacapa)朗姆酒官方2019年世界餐厅奖(The World Restaurant Awards 2019)开幕礼。
(L-R) Virgilo Martinez, Pia Leon and Milena Martinez attend the official Ron Zacapa rum opening event of The World Restaurant Awards 2019 at Malro on February 17th, 2019 in Paris, France. The exclusive event is ahead of the inaugural edition of The World Restaurant Awards being held at the Palais Brongniart on February 18th. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Zacapa Rum)
作为卓越美食领域的全新奖项,世界餐厅奖主要是表彰餐厅领域的卓越、诚信、多样性和丰富文化,而不是单单赞扬耀眼成就。该奖项由IMG(美国国际管理集团)与餐厅领域的新闻记者乔-沃里克(Joe Warwick)以及美食作家和现场评论员安德烈-彼得里尼(Andrea Petrini)联手打造。
世界餐厅奖评委会在性别方面“五五开”,由餐饮界的众多知*人物组成,包括一系列最*知*度的大厨和厨艺新星、美食作家与专业人士。加入评委会的大厨包括艾蕾娜-阿尔扎克(Elena Arzak)、亚历克斯-阿塔拉(Alex Atala)、马西莫-博图拉(Massimo Bottura)、David Chang、伊莲娜-达罗兹(Helene Darroze)、丹尼尔-赫姆(Daniel Humm)、丹-巴伯尔(Dan Barber)、里恩-雷哲皮(Rene Redzepi)、安娜-罗斯(Ana Roš)、尤塔姆-奥托伦吉(Yotam Ottolenghi)和克莱尔-史密斯(Clare Smyth)等名厨。
在萨凯帕朗姆酒于巴黎Malro餐厅举行的欢迎宴会上,客人们品尝精致的萨凯帕古典鸡尾酒和出自于Malro主厨丹尼-因布罗伊西(Denny Imbroisi)之手的小盘佳肴。
萨凯帕首席调酒师洛雷娜-巴斯克斯(Lorena Vasquez)表示:“我们很高兴在首届世界餐厅奖颁奖礼举行之前,在这里欢迎业内精英。”
“在饮食体验中,很重要的组成部分就是很棒的开胃酒/促进消化的美酒 -- 令人难以置信的美食需要配上精致美酒,因此我们很高兴萨凯帕能够成为世界餐厅奖所选用的烈酒。”
IMG世界餐厅奖项目的负责人塞西尔-雷伯特(Cecile Rebbot)说:“非常高兴在明天颁奖之前,在今晚让在座各位品尝鸡尾酒,参加活动的人士都是全球范围内富有才华的餐厅工作者。要是没有出色的合作伙伴,我们就不能举行这一活动,很高兴能够借此机会与像萨凯帕这样的高品质品牌进行合作,并让萨凯帕成为我们为世界餐厅奖所选择的烈酒。”
(L-R) Denny Imbroisi and Mauro Colagreco attend the official Ron Zacapa rum opening event of The World Restaurant Awards 2019 at Malro on February 17th, 2019 in Paris, France. The exclusive event is ahead of the inaugural edition of The World Restaurant Awards being held at the Palais Brongniart on February 18th. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Zacapa Rum)
Laura Lazzaroni, Marco Bolasco and Kylie Kwong attend the official Ron Zacapa rum opening event of The World Restaurant Awards 2019 at Malro on February 17th, 2019 in Paris, France. The exclusive event is ahead of the inaugural edition of The World Restaurant Awards being held at the Palais Brongniart on February 18th. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Zacapa Rum)
(L-R) Amanda Cohen and Joe Warwick attend the official Ron Zacapa rum opening event of The World Restaurant Awards 2019 at Malro on February 17th, 2019 in Paris, France. The exclusive event is ahead of the inaugural edition of The World Restaurant Awards being held at the Palais Brongniart on February 18th. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Zacapa Rum)