资讯 Interwine opens the F&B Centres to help you in Chinese market!
Canton Universal Fair Group Ltd (‘Interwine’)Opens the “F&B I.P. Protection & OverseasInvestment Centre” and the “F&B Branding & Design Centre” were opened in Guangzhou, China,on March 14, 2018.
“Bi-cultural solutions, notbi-lingual misinterpretations, are fundamental to developing a cross-borderbrand. Powerful international brands are universally known,” said Mr. TrevorSavage (衫哲文),Brand Director at Evolve.
“Intellectual capital is the assetfor market dominance, continued profitability, the core of mergers &acquisitions and the key to licensing in cross-border transactions,” said Mr.Peter Fenton (冯彼得),Foreign Legal Expert at Evertop Legal Solutions.
The “Food & Beverage Branding& Design Centre” and the “Food & Beverage Intellectual PropertyProtection & Overseas Investment Centre” are initiatives of CantonUniversal Fair Group Ltd, the hosts of China’s premier international wine &spirits fair, Interwine.
The “F&B Branding & DesignCentre” is in collaboration with international design and branding house,Evolve. While, the “F&B I.P. Protection & Overseas Investment Centre”is in collaboration with legal, accounting and business service provider,Evertop Legal Solutions.
“I am delighted to announce theformation of the Food & Beverage ‘Branding & Design Centre’ plus the‘Intellectual Property Protection & Overseas Investment Centre,” said theGeneral Manager of Canton Universal Fair Group Ltd, the hosts of Interwine, Ms.Rita Jia (贾燕平).
“Interwine is committed to fosteringthe growth of the international Food & Beverage industry in China withbrand development, protection of intellectual property and industryinvestment,” said Ms. Jia.
Interwine’s new F&B Centres willraise awareness of challenges and opportunities within the international foodand beverage industry in China by conducting market research; provide marketupdates & briefings; provide advice & services and host market eventsfor the benefit of Interwine’s exhibitors.
Ms. Jia said, “We are committed tomodernize Interwine by taking new and innovative steps to the highest qualitytrade fair and trade fair services for the international food, wine and spiritsindustry in China.”
“Interwine’s initiatives to open the“F&D Branding and Design Centre” and the “F&B I.P. Protection &Overseas Investment Centre” are proudly opened with our trusted businesspartners Evolve and Evertop,” she continued.
On March 12, 2018, Canton UniversalFair Group Ltd signed Memorandums of Understanding with Evolve and EvertopLegal Consultants to open the new centres within Interwine’s office inGuangzhou, China.
Ms. Jia also said, “As a pioneer andinnovator in the international F&B industry in China, Canton Universal FairGroup Ltd, is dedicated to helping foreign exporters to succeed in China andChinese companies to grow overseas.”

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