资讯 展商推介 | 来自欧洲大陆的美食美饮~
French company SCG will be joining the French Pavilion at ANUFOOD China 2018. SCG is an expert in the international marketing of quality and long-life meats for more than 10 years. They create close and long-term business relations thanks to their network of meat suppliers from South and North America and Europe.
意大利公司Casa Oilio Sperlonga S.p.A. 目前已确认加盟2018北京世界食品博览会——意大利展团当中。在过去的一个世纪里,Sperlonga的家族一直致力于橄榄产业的发展——从果园到生产到特级初榨橄榄油。为了实现持续发展,公司评估不断增长的地域,并通过品尝和质量评估过程仔细挑选品种。
Italian company "Casa Oilio Sperlonga S.p.A." will be joining the Italian Pavilion at ANUFOOD China 2018. For the past century, Sperlonga's family has been continuously devoted to the olive industry – from the orchard to the production of "state of the art" extra virgin olive oil. In order to achieve continued excellence the company evaluates growing territories and carefully selects varieties through a process of tasting and quality evaluation.
They check all goods before commencing production, manage the oil filtration and blending process, then submit the final product to rigorous quality control.
葡萄牙公司“Aleixo Family Wines”将会加盟葡萄牙展团。在这个行业50多年的时间里,Aleixo家族将其广泛的知识与新技术融合在一起,同时保持着传统。其招牌产品——250 ml葡萄酒,以其合适的尺寸、便携性和简单的开盖,引起国际市场的广泛关注。
Portuguese company "Aleixo Family Wines" will be joining the Portuguese Pavilion at ANUFOOD China 2018. On the business for more than 50 years, Aleixo family is converging its wide knowledge with new technologies and techniques, while keeping a traditional family owned business. The result is a group of unique 250 ml wines which are causing huge interest in the international markets due to their friendly size, portability and their easy open cap turns wine consumption into spontaneous moments.
Lipetskpivo LLC来自俄罗斯,是一个现代化的高科技酿酒厂,向消费者提供世**的设备,生产啤酒,软饮,卡瓦斯和矿泉水。他们的啤酒厂自1977年9月30日投入运营起,每年制造400万升的啤酒。
Lipetskpivo LLC is a modern high-tech brewery, offers the word-class equipment, producing beer, soft drinks, and mineral water.The brewery with a capacity of 4 million decaliters per year was built and put into operation on September 30, 1977.
2005年,他们实现了所有车间和设备的大规模现代化。这些高新技术设备由世界领导地位公司,例如KHS, SMI, Huppmann, Padovan, Van der Molen, Sidel, Hartmann, Moelle 来安装。
In 2005 a large-scale modernization of all workshops and equipment was launched. Modern high-tech equipment was installed by such world leaders as KHS, SMI, Huppmann, Padovan, Van der Molen, Sidel, Hartmann, Moelle. Together with experienced foreign technologists all the stages of producing were developed according to the world quality standards.

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Welcome French Exhibitors Back to AFC2018!
英国媒体FoodBev Media zhuli 2018 北京世界食品博览会

2018北京世界食品博览会/AFC 2018 展位预订联络
国内销售 | 杨女士
Tel: 10 6590 7766 转791
E-mail: s.yang@koelnmesse.cn
国际销售 | Ms. Anna Popova
Tel: 10 6590 7766 转733
E-mail: a.popova@koelnmesse.cn

SIGEP China 深圳国际手工冰淇淋、烘焙及咖啡展览会
SIGEP China 深圳国际手工冰淇淋、烘焙及咖啡展览会
2018北京世界食品博览会(ANUFOOD CHINA)
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