由上海市餐饮烹饪行业协会与上海博华国际展览有限公司共同主办,中国食品土畜进出口商会、全联烘焙业公会联合主办的 FHC上海环球食品展已成功举办二十七届。回顾上届展会FHC上海环球食品展,共计有来自海内外的171828名专业观众,涵盖进口商、经销商\代理商、商超便利店、电商\新零售、酒店\餐饮\咖啡饮品\烘焙甜品连锁等行业细分领域。今年展会现场实施门票收费制度,推进观众高质量发展的同时,观众数量同比去年依然保持10.96%的增长,量质并举。
FHC Shanghai Global Food Trade Show has co-hosted by Shanghai Restaurants Cuisine Association and Shanghai Sinoexpo Informa Markets International Exhibition Co., Ltd., and jointly organized by China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products and All China Bakery Association, has successfully held its 27th edition. Looking back at the previous FHC Shanghai Global Food Trade Show, there were a total of 171,828 professional visitors from domestic and overseas, covering industry segments such as importers, distributors/agents, convenience stores, e-commerce/new retail, hotels/restaurants/coffee/bakery chains, etc. The exhibition of this year implemented paid tickets to promote high-quality development of the audience. While the number of visitors still maintained a 10.96% increase compared to last year, achieving both quantity and quality. Among them, there were 5,611 overseas professional visitors, achieving a growth of 15.22% compared to 2023. They came from 98 countries and regions, including Europe, the United States, Australia, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines, Russia, and Mongolia in Asia. They have communicated with exhibitors from 51 countries and regions to explore more business opportunities.
- 肉类及水产品;Meat & Aquatic Product
- 休闲食品及饮料;Leisure Food & Beverage
- 乳制品;Dairy
- 甜食及巧克力;Sweets & Chocolate
- 餐饮供应链及食材;Catering Supply Chain & Raw Material
- 调味品及粮油;Condiments & Oil
- 咖啡茶饮;Coffee & Tea
- 烘焙轻餐;Bakery & Light Meal
- 食品加工及包装;Food Processing & Packaging
- 预制品及中央厨房;Prefabricated dishes & Central Kitchen
- 罐藏食品及原辅材料、机械设备;Canned Food & Raw Materials, Machinery And Equipment
- 火锅食材及用品;Hot pot Ingredients And Supplies
N1 国际展团、休闲食品 International Pavilions, Leisure Food
N2 国际展团、休闲食品、乳制品及饮品International Pavilions, Leisure Food, Dairy and Beverage
N3 国际展团、休闲食品、巧克力 International Pavilions, Leisure Food, Chocolate
N4 国际展团、综合进口食品 International Pavilions, imported Grocery
N5 国际肉类及水产 International Meat and Seafood
E7 预制食材Prefabricated Dishes
E6 烘焙轻餐及糖业 Bakery & Light Meals, Sugar Industry
E5 咖啡茶饮 Coffee & Tea
E4 华礼展 2025 Gift Expo
E3中国(上海)国际果蔬展览会 China (Shanghai) International Fruit And Vegetable Trade Fair
E2 罐藏食品及冻博会 Canned Food And Machinery, Refrigerated Food
E1 SFE上海国际连锁加盟展览会 Shanghai International Franchise Expo
W4-5 ProWine Shanghai
