中国(福州)国际渔业博览会秉承“商聚福州 渔游四海”的主题,立足榕城,面向中国南部乃至全球市场,积极促进渔业产经合作及技术交流,展会涉及水产养殖、远洋捕捞、水产加工、休闲渔业和渔具、渔需渔业加工设备、以及食材等产业,产业链覆盖度及成交金额逐年提升,已是国内卓有影响力的全产业链渔业博览会。展会依托福建、福州的地理区位以及水产品牌优势和冷链物流网络,同时拥有国际、国内庞大的水产品消费群体,吸引国内外知名相关行业内供应、经销商的参与,已发展成为全球前三大渔业专业博览会。
水产Aquatic Products:冻品、活鲜、加工类水产、鱼糜制品、海鲜干品、海洋食品等 45% Frozen & fresh products, processed aquatic products, minced fish products, dried seafood, Marine food, etc
食材Catering and Ingredient:水产食材、肉类食材、米面制品、蔬菜调理等 21%&nb
- 豪标展位Premium Booth RMB 9800 / 9㎡ 图
1 Heightening Board ,1 Freezer with 1.5 meter in length (including24-hour electricity),1 reception desk, Carpet, 2-3 side walls,1 fascia board in Chinese and English, 1 table, 2 Chairs,2 spot lights
- 标准展位 Standard Booth RMB 6800/ 9㎡ 图
2-3 side walls,1 fascia board in Chinese and English, 1 table, 2 Chairs,2 spot lights
- 光地 Raw Space RMB 680/㎡ 图
36㎡ at minimum without basic settings( If need, exhibitors shall apply from organizer before deadline). Administrative fee and electricity shall be charged at actual amounts incurred.